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One of the benefits of longer-term travel is that you’re able to take a gamble on a destination. On short trips you have the pressure of trying to make the most of each and every place you go. You can’t just throw a random destination into the mix and see how it goes. But that’s precisely what I was able to do when travelling in Slovakia when I decided to find out if Zilina is worth visiting.

Very little was driving my decision to visit Zilina. It was merely a notable name on the map that was convenient to my itinerary through western and central Slovakia. As is often the case, I didn’t even know

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Thailand is the best place to visit on your next yacht charter holiday. With over 1,430 islands to choose from, the country is basically a sailor’s paradise! As you may be overwhelmed with over a thousand islands to check out, we’ve rounded up the top ten yacht charter destinations in Thailand that you should at least visit first. Happy sailing!


If you have yet to charter a yacht, you can easily book one at Isabella Yachts. Isabella Yachts is a top yacht charter provider in Thailand that will give you all the amenities and luxuries that you’d ever need on your next yacht charter holiday.

Top 10 Yacht Charter Destinations in Thailand

Koh Samui

Koh Samui is easily one of the most popular yachting destinations in Thailand. All kinds of tourists, from yacht charterers to backpackers and hikers, love exploring Koh Samui. It is most popular for its

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A trip away should be your chance to relax, but that doesn’t mean that you should let your fashion slip. There are plenty of ways to look good while you are away, and this article will show you how.


You still have plenty of time to shop before you leave, so go out and look for these items when you are planning your trip. Here’s how to stay fashionable when you are on holiday.

Day-to-Day Wear

The first thing you need to think about when you head abroad is what you are going to wear when you are traveling. Let’s be honest, no one feels their best during a long flight. This means that you should aim to minimize your outfit as much as possible. The fewer accessories you travel with, the less there is that can go wrong.

For women, the best suggestion is to find a loose-fitting

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If you’re a lover of travel and adventure, then chances are that you already have some sites and cities in Europe at the top of your must-visit list for holiday destinations. But once you arrive, sometimes what you see and do there can’t quite live up to what you had built up in your head, especially if you’re always planning that next trip abroad, and feel as if you’ve seen it all. 

Fortunately, when it comes to making plans to visit Rome, you’ll be so taken aback by the beauty, culture, and ambience of the place that you’ll find it hard to not want to book another trip straight away! 


Time and time again, people flock to Rome and experience something a little different each time. Here are some of the events and destinations to visit on your next adventure and make the most of a visit to Italy’s

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As the global economic climate becomes increasingly unpredictable, more skilled workers are seeking better opportunities in the West for hopes of a better future. Entry into the United States has long been a difficult process and that’s why most people prefer Canada, due in part to its healthy working climate, cheaper health services, and ease of entry.

The easiest and most preferred means of entering Canada as a skilled worker is through the Express Entry method. This method accounts for over 110,000 skilled workers finding new opportunities in Canada every year. There are many immigration consultants who may prefer or advise other methods, but the Express Entry is the most assured and fool proof method that gives immigrants assurance of a positive legal status as Canadians. 


What Is Express Entry

There are other means of seeking Canadian immigration which might sound similar to Express Entry, but there are key

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